
ul. T. Kościuszki 32A, 05-825 Grodzisk Mazowiecki
tel. +48 22 755-51-46, 724-34-35, fax +48 22 755-53-27

The management of the Office:

The head of the Office is the Mayor - Grzegorz Benedykciński

reception hours:
- every Thursday from 12.00 - 16.00
subscriptions from Monday Residents' Service Room - cage A, ground floor, Office information tel. 022 755 55 34 or 022 755 20 16

The mayor also covers the organizational units of the Commune, which are not Organizational Cells of the Office. The list of Commune organizational units is an attachment to the Statute of the Commune. The mayor can determine the division of labor in the Office's management by way of an ordinance.

1 Deputy Mayor: Piotr Galiński,

2 Deputy Mayor: Tomasz Krupski

reception hours:
- daily

Deputy Mayor perform tasks in the scope specified by the Mayor. In the absence of the Mayor, his function is performed by the Deputy indicated by him.

Secretary of the commune
Maria Jolanta Grabowska
1st floor, room No. 111
Tel. 022 463 46 03

Treasurer of the commune
Piotr Leśniewski

1st floor, room No. 108
Tel. 22 46 346 22

Meetings of the Office's management are held every Tuesday from 11.00 - 15.00.

In May 2007 The Municipal Office in Grodzisk Mazowiecki obtained the Certificate No.: FS 519023, confirming that the implemented Quality Management System complies with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2000. Another - carried out twice a year by the British Standards Institution (BSI) - supervision audits confirmed the compliance of the QMS with the requirements of the standard and procedures.

The mission of the Municipal Office is to satisfy the collective needs of the local community through the professional implementation of public tasks resulting from the law, effective service of gmina self-government bodies and continuous improvement of the quality of services provided.

Improvement of functioning is a permanent direction of activities, and the goal of the Quality Policy is:

1. execution of entrusted administrative tasks efficiently and without unnecessary delay,
2. improving customer satisfaction and satisfaction through continuous improvement of the services provided,
3. continuous improvement of professional qualifications of the Office's employees,
4. increasing the standards of workplace equipment, including IT tools.

In November 2008. there has been a change in the existing ISO standard, and therefore in 2009 - after the publication of the Polish version of the EN-PN-ISO 9001: 2008 standard - the Mayor's Proxy for the Quality Management System, Ewa Stępień adapted the QMS documentation in force at the Office to the requirements of the new standard.


Conducted in November 2009. BSI supervision audit recommended issuing a certificate of compliance of the Quality Management System of the Municipal Office in Grodzisk Mazowiecki with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008.

"On May 25, 2010, BSI carried out a recertification audit at the Municipal Office in Grodzisk Mazowiecki.The strategic review covered the period from June 2007 to April 2010 and ended the 3-year supervision period. The result of the recertification through a strategic review was the issuance of the attached registration certificate."

In May 2013 the next 3-year period of functioning of the Quality Management System, in line with the requirements of ISDO 9001: 2008 in the Municipal Office in Grodzisk Mazowiecki.

The strategic audit - combined with the planned supervision - carried out by BSI covered the period from May 2010 to April 2013.

"The audit presents objective evidence of the implementation, functioning and improvement of the quality management system in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008. The management and staff were strongly involved in the implementation of the quality management system, the implementation of the quality policy. "

As a result of the re-certification through a strategic audit, the City Office obtained the following registration certificate:

In May 2016, BSI carried out a recertification audit, covering the years 2013 - 2016, which confirmed "the effectiveness of all elements of the QMS, the ability to adapt to the requirements of customers and interested parties".

As a result of the re-certification through a strategic review, the City Office obtained the following certificate:

employees of the Municipal Office in Grodzisk Mazowiecki


The purpose of the Code is to specify the values ​​and standards of behavior of employees of the Municipal Office in Grodzisk Mazowiecki, related to their duties, to collect them in the form of a catalog and to inform citizens about standards of behavior that they are entitled to expect from Municipal Office employees.

Article 1

1. The Code sets out the rules of conduct of the Office's employees in connection with the performance of public tasks by them.

2. The principles set out in this Code should be applied by all employees of the Office who have the status of a local government employee, referred to in Article 1 of the Act of March 22, 1990. about local government employees, hereinafter referred to as employees.

3. Employees treat work as a public service, in the positions they serve serve the state and the local community.

4. The norms of this Code are violated by employees who, as a result of proceedings both in and outside the workplace, risk losing the confidence necessary to perform public tasks.

Article 2

Employees of the Municipal Office in Grodzisk Mazowiecki are obliged to take care of the performance of public tasks and public funds taking into account the interest of the state, the interest of the self-government community and the individual interest of citizens.

In particular, employees of the Municipal Office in Grodzisk Mazowiecki should observe and act in accordance with the rules:

- rule of law,
- impartiality and selflessness,
- objectivity,
- integrity and reliability,
- responsibility,
- openness,
- care for the good name of the Office and local government employees,
- dignified behavior in the workplace and outside it,
- courtesy and kindness in dealing with citizens, superiors, councilors, subordinates and co-workers.

Article 3

1. The public service requires the Municipal Office's employees to respect the Constitution and the law and to put the public interest above the personal interest.

2. Employees of the Municipal Office perform the office under the law and act in accordance with the law. The decisions and decisions made by them have a legal basis, their content is in accordance with applicable regulations, they contain justification and information about the possibility of submitting an appeal.

Article 4

1. Employees act impartially and selflessly.

2. Employees shall not participate in decisions, deliberations, opinions or votes on matters in which they have a direct or indirect personal interest.

3. Employees do not use and do not allow to use the resources entrusted to them, human resources and public property for private purposes.

4. Employees do not undertake work or classes that interfere with their job duties.

5. Employees shall not make arbitrary decisions that may have a negative impact on the situation of citizens and refrain from any form of favoritism.

6. Employees do not enjoy material or personal benefits due to their office, nor do they act in the private interest of individuals or groups of people.

Article 5

1. Employees shall not allow a conflict of interest to arise between public and private interests. In the event of a conflict of interest, it shall ensure that it is resolved in favor of the public interest.

2. Employees shall exercise their powers only to attain the objectives for which they have been entrusted with the applicable provisions.

Article 6

1. Employees perform their duties diligently, conscientiously, with respect for others and a sense of personal dignity.

2. In the cases conducted, they treat all participants equally, do not undergo any pressure, do not accept any obligations resulting from kinship or acquaintance, do not accept any material or personal benefits.

Article 7

1. Employees are responsible for decisions and actions without avoiding difficult decisions.

2. Employees shall disclose attempts to waste, embezzlement of public resources, abuse of power or corruption to relevant institutions or bodies.

Article 8

1. Employees shall provide citizens with the requested information and allow access to public documents in accordance with the rules set out in statutes.

2. Employees shall not disclose confidential information or use it for financial or personal gain.

Article 9

1. Employees are loyal to the Municipal Office and superiors and ready to carry out official orders.

2. Employees provide objective, best-practice advice and opinions to supervisors, including the assessment of the legality and expediency of actions.

Article 10

1. In dealing with citizens, employees behave kindly, are helpful and provide answers to the questions addressed to them exhaustively and accurately.

2. Employees care for good interpersonal relationships, adhere to the principles of correct behavior, appropriate for a man with high personal culture in the workplace and outside.

Article 11

Employees are liable to disciplinary and disciplinary liability for failure to comply with this Code.

Article 12

The mayor of the Grodzisk Mazowiecki commune disseminates the principles contained in the Code among its subordinate employees, the local government community and the media in order to promote the values and principles contained therein.

Wydział Ochrony Środowiska - OŚ

Numer karty usługi Nazwa usługi Dokument
OŚ/01 Zezwolenie na usunięcie drzewa dla osób fizycznych Karta usług
OŚ/02 Zezwolenie na świadczenie usług w zakresie ochrony przed bezdomnymi zwierzętami Karta usług
OŚ/03 Wpis do rejestru działalności regulowanej w zakresie odbierania odpadów komunalnych od właścicieli nieruchomości z terenu Gminy Grodzisk Mazowiecki Karta usług
OŚ/04 Zezwolenie na opróżnianie zbiorników bezodpływowych i transport nieczystości ciekłych Karta usług
OŚ/07 Udzielenie informacji o środowisku Karta usług
OŚ/08 Wydanie decyzji o środowiskowych uwarunkowaniach zgody na realizację przedsięwzięcia Karta usług

Wydział Finansowy – FN

Numer karty usługi Nazwa usługi Dokument
FN/01 Umorzenie zaległości, odroczenie terminu zapłaty zaległości lub rozłożenie na raty zaległości - dotyczące zobowiązań podatkowych Karta usług
Oświadczenie 1
Oświadczenie 2
FN/02 Umorzenie zaległości lub rozłożenie na raty zaległości - dotyczących zobowiązań o charakterze cywilnoprawnym wobec Gminy Grodzisk Karta usług
Wniosek 1
Wniosek 2
Oświadczenie 3
Oświadczenie 4
FN/03 Ulga w podatku z tytułu wykonania elewacji Karta usług
FN/04 Zaświadczenia w sprawach podatkowych Karta usług
FN/05 Zwrot opłaty skarbowej Karta usług

Urząd Stanu Cywilnego - USC

Uznanie dziecka narodzonego lub poczętego

Numer karty usługi Nazwa usługi Dokument
USC/01 Zgłoszenie urodzenia dziecka - akt urodzenia Karta usług
USC/02 Uznanie ojcostwa Karta usług
USC/03 Nadanie dziecku nazwiska męża matki Karta usług
USC/04 Zawarcie związku małżeńskiego przed Kierownikiem USC - akt małżeństwa Karta usług
USC/05 Zawarcie małżeństwa wyznaniowego ze skutkami cywilnoprawnymi Karta usług
USC/06 Wydanie zaświadczenia o zdolności prawnej do zawarcia małżeńśtwa za granicą Karta usług
USC/07 Skrócenie terminu oczekiwania na zawarcie małżeństwa Karta usług
USC/08 Powrót do nazwiska noszonego przed zawarciem małżeństwa Karta usług
USC/09 Odtworzenie treści aktu stanu cywilnego Karta usług
USC/10 Sprostowanie oczywistego błędu pisarskiego w akcie stanu cywilnego Karta usług
USC/11 Uzupełnienie treści aktu stanu cywilnego Karta usług
USC/12 Wpisanie do polskich ksiąg aktu stanu cywilnego sporządzonego za granicą Karta usług
USC/13 Wydawanie odpisów/zaświadczeń z ksiąg stanu cywilnego Karta usług
USC/14 Zgłoszenie jubileuszu długoletniego pożycia małżeńskiego Karta usług
USC/15 Zgłoszenie zgonu Akt zgonu Karta usług
USC/16 Wniosek o wydanie dowodu osobistego Wniosek
USC/17 Zgłoszenie wymeldowania z miejsca pobytu stałego Wniosek
USC/18 Zgłoszenie wymeldowania z miejsca pobytu czasowego Wniosek
USC/19 Zgłoszenie pobytu czasowego trwającego ponad Wniosek
USC/20 Zgłoszenie pobytu stałego Wniosek

Wydział Planowania Przestrzennego - WPP

Numer karty usługi Nazwa usługi Dokument
WPP/01 Wydanie decyzji o warunkach zabudowy Karta usług
WPP/02 Wydanie decyzji o ustaleniu lokalizacji inwestycji celu publicznego Karta usług
WPP/03 Wydanie wypisu i wyrysu z miejscowego planu zagospodarowania przestrzennego Karta usług
WPP/04 Wydanie zaświadczenia dotyczącego miejscowego planu zagospodarowania przestrzennego obowiązującego do 31 grudnia 2003 r. Karta usług
WPP/05 Wydanie zaświadczenia o zgodności zamierzonego sposobu użytkowania obiektu budowlanego z ustaleniami miejscowego planu zagospodarowania przestrzennego Karta usług
WPP/06 Wydanie zaświadczenia o Rewitalizacji Karta usług

Samodzielne Stanowisko ds. Zarządzania Kryzysowego, Ochrony Ludności i Spraw Obronnych - OC

Numer karty usługi Nazwa usługi Dokument
OC/01 Wypłacenie rekompensaty z tytułu utraconego wynagrodzenia/dochodu w związku odbyciem ćwiczeń/przeszkolenia wojskowego Karta usług

Wydział Organizacyjny – Referat Działalności Gospodarczej i Informacji - Or.I.

Numer karty usługi Nazwa usługi Dokument
Or.I./01 Wpis do Centralnej Ewidencji i Informacji o Działalności Gospodarczej Karta usług
Or.I./02 Zmiana wpisu do Centralnej Ewidencji i Informacji o Działalności Gospodarczej Karta usług
Or.I./03 Wykreślenie z Centralnej Ewidencji i Informacji o Działalności Gospodarczej Karta usług
Or.I./04 Wydanie zaświadczenia potwierdzającego dane objęte ewidencja działalności gospodarczej Karta usług
Or.I./05 Zezwolenie na sprzedaż napojów alkoholowych Karta usług
Or.I./06 Zezwolenie na jednorazową sprzedaż piwa na imprezach organizowanych na terenie gminy Karta usług
Or.I./08 Licencja na wykonywanie transportu drogowego taksówką Karta usług
Wniosek a
Wniosek b
Or.I./10 Wznowienie/zawieszenie działalności gospodarczej Karta usług
Dodane załączniki (1)

Wydział Gospodarki Nieruchomościami - WGN

Numer karty usługi Nazwa usługi Dokument
WGN/01 Sprzedaż lokalu mieszkalnego Karta usług
Zaświadczenie i Oświadczenie
WGN/02 Wydzierżawienie gruntu Karta usług
WGN/03 Przedłużenie umowy dzierżawy gruntu Karta usług
WGN/04 Rezygnacja z umowy dzierżawy gruntu Karta usług
WGN/05 Sprzedaż nieruchomości gruntowej na rzecz jej użytkownika wieczystego Karta usług
Wniosek 5a
Wniosek 5b
WGN/06 Przekształcenie prawa użytkowania wieczystego w prawo własności Karta usług
WGN/07 Podział nieruchomości Karta usług
Wniosek 7a
Wniosek 7b
WGN/08 Rozgraniczenie nieruchomości Karta usług
WGN/09 Odszkodowanie z grunt przejęty pod drogę Karta usług
WGN/10 Ustalenie numeru porządkowego budynku (adresu). Karta usług
Wniosek 10a
Wniosek 10b
WGN/11 Udzielanie bonifikaty od opłaty rocznej z tytułu uzytkowania wieczystego Karta usług

Wydział Promocji - PR

Numer karty usługi Nazwa usługi Dokument
PR/01 Zasłużony dla Gminy Grodzisk Mazowiecki Karta usługi
Wzór dyplomu
PR/02 Patronat Honorowy Burmistrza Grodziska Mazowieckiego Karta usługi

The inhabitants of Grodzisk Mazowiecki show high social activity. There are over 50 various non-governmental organizations in the commune. This proves a great integration and local awareness among the residents and their involvement in the affairs of our "Little Homeland".

The commune authorities, noticing the potential and capabilities of non-governmental organizations, strive to strengthen the cooperation that has lasted for several years. Through social consultations are being developed "Cooperation Programs with NGOs", which introduce clear and legible solutions, including the Organizations into the local democracy system and regulate the principles of partnership cooperation between the Grodzisk Mazowiecki Community and Non-Governmental Organizations. The programs also define priority areas for this cooperation. Every year, the commune entrusts the performance of many public tasks to non-governmental organizations through open bid contests.

From March 13, 2008. - under the Mayor's Order No. 134/2008 - the coordinator for cooperation with non-governmental organizations is Ms. Ewa Stępień, Municipal Office p. 112, contact telephone number 22 463 46 37.

Data bank about Grodzisk organizations:


WGN.6840.7.2017.DW - announcement about the second oral tender unlimited

The real estate is located in the village of Kady at ul. Starowiejska. Access from ul. Środkowa in Kadachoraz from ul. Książenicka in Milanówek. They have a regular shape - similar to a rectangle; they are undeveloped and unsupervised, flat area. Overgrown with meadow vegetation and sporadically occurring several-year-old trees. The area consists of undeveloped land and individual housing development as well as forest areas. The immovable property is located in the immediate vicinity of the WKD railway line. It is close to the WKD Brzózki stop. The parcels have technical infrastructure. In decisions no. 8 / I / 2017 dated On 24.01.2017, the building conditions for the investment consisting in the construction of detached single-family residential buildings were determined.


  • Grodzisk Mazowiecki, Plac King Zygmunt Stary 6, 8;
  • Grodzisk Mazowiecki, ul. Sienkiewicza 20, 22, 24;
  • Grodzisk Mazowiecki, ul. Limanowskiego 2, 4, 6, 8;
  • Grodzisk Mazowiecki, ul. 11 November 40, 42;
  • Grodzisk Mazowiecki, ul. Harcerska 3, 5, 6, 8, 10;
  • Grodzisk Mazowiecki, ul. Nadarzyńska - a plot of about 0.4000 ha for service development and retail facilities with a sales area of ​​less than 2,000 m2;
  • Kady Grodzisk Mazowiecki - part of the plot No. 37 with an area of ​​about 2.0 ha for single-family housing development,


Detailed information:
Wyd Property Management Boss
room 212, 211 (second floor)
tel .: (22) 755 55 34 ext. 220 126

Crisis management is the activity of public administration bodies being an element of national security management, which consists in preventing crisis situations, preparing to take control over them through planned actions, reacting in case of crisis situations, removing their consequences, and recovering resources and critical infrastructure.

On the basis of the organizational regulations of the Municipal Office in Grodzisk Mazowiecki, an independent post for crisis management, civil protection and defense matters performs tasks in the field of crisis management.
Phone: 22 463 46 52.


  • RESURRENCE SCHEDULE - 999 22 734-02-02
  • POLICE - 997 22 755-60-10 TO 13
  • FIRE SAFETY - 998 22 755-52-37
  • THE URBAN GUARD - 986 22 755-54-31
  • ENERGY EMERGENCY - 991 22 755-51-36 (7 - 15H)
  • Gaseous EMERGENCY - 992 22 755-26-32 (7 - 15H)
  • WATER EMERGENCY - 994 22 724-30-36 </ li>

Event notification procedure

After dialing the emergency number and reporting to the dispatcher calmly and clearly state:

  • your name and surname, telephone number from which event information is provided
  • type and place of event (address, object name, characteristic places)
  • whether there is a threat to human life and health,
  • After providing information, do not hang up until you acknowledge your receipt
  • The Receiver may request:
    • confirm your callback request,
    • additional information



I STEP - preparation

  • discuss with your family what to do in case of emergency, to reduce the possible damage to your home.
  • consider two situations:
    - family at home
    - family away from home
  • set up a " contact box" with a person residing in another city
  • Put a list of emergency numbers on your phone at home
  • meet with your neighbors - fix together " neighborhood alarm plan"

II STEP - security

  • agree with your family in what situation to call the police, fire brigade, ambulance service
  • determine how and where the water, electricity and gas supply is closed
  • obtain an insurance policy that will compensate you for the losses you have incurred
  • plan escape routes
  • Ask your home members every six months for how to behave during a threat
  • complete the emergency kit - things that are necessary at the moment of danger
  • store important documents in a permanent place, preferably in a secure container





Municipal Office wants to encourage residents to check in. </ strong>

"It does not require much effort, and it can bring many benefits to both the municipality and the city," says the mayor Grzegorz Benedykciński.

First of all, residents' taxes go to the municipal budget. The more money there is, the more investments needed by residents can be realized.

  • In order to meet the residents' expectations, from November 7, 2014, the City Hall's working hours have been changed:
    Mondays 09:00 - 18:00
    on Fridays 08:00 - 15:00
    On other days, the office is open from 8:00 to 16:00.
    These changes were introduced to enable residents working outside the Grodzisk settle their affairs in the office before or after work.
  • In order to avoid waiting in queues, it is worth taking advantage of the possibility of arranging a visit to the office for a specific day and time via the Internet

Make an appointment and take advantage of the facilities offered. Welcome!

  • You do not have to personally check out at your previous place of residence. Anyone who comes to check in to the Grodzisk office may at the same time check out from the previous place of residence.
  • Remember to take:
    a) identity document;
    b) a document confirming the legal title to the flat / house in the original - for inspection (it can be: a notarial deed, an extract from the land and mortgage register, administrative decision, court order or other document certifying the legal title to the premises);
    c) in case of reporting a minor person - a shortened copy of the birth certificate, if it has not yet had a registration in the Grodzisk Mazowiecki commune.
  • To minimize the time spent in the office, download the registration form or an application of evidence in advance from the Internet and fill it in your home.

Registration request

  • In case of doubt, you can always call - at tel. 22 463 46 18 or 22 463 46 19 . Many cases should be considered on an individual basis and it is always a good idea to consult an official first so that you do not need to visit the office again.
  • NOTE! : You can only register in a building that has been put into use, i.e. after notifying the competent authority about the completion of construction and obtaining a use permit. The competent authority in the Grodzisk Mazowiecki commune is the State Inspectorate of Building Supervision on ul. Far 11.

Regulations related to registration and obligation to place the building in service

You do not have to check in and exchange proofs!

developed by Monika Kwiczak, action coordinator

Municipal Commission for Solving Alcohol Problems in Grodzisk Mazowiecki operates on the basis of the provisions of the Act of 26 October 1982 about upbringing in sobriety and counteracting alcoholism (Journal of Laws of 2015, item 1286), in the composition approved the facility No. 273/2013 of the Mayor of Grodzisk Mazowiecki of June 20, 2013, regarding the change of the composition of the Communal Problem Solving Committee, established by Regulation No. 303/2006 of the Mayor of Grodzisk Mazowiecki of June 7, 2006 .

The Commune Commission implements specific tasks of the commune in the area of ​​prevention and solving alcohol-related problems, in particular:

  • issuing provisions regarding the compliance of the location of the alcoholic beverages outlet with the resolution No. 649/2013 of the Grodzisk Mazowiecki City Council of 27 November 2013 regarding the number of points of sale of beverages containing more than 4.5% alcohol (except beer), for consumption in and outside the place of sale and the rules of placing in the commune of Grodzisk Mazowiecki places of sale and serving of alcoholic beverages;
  • conducting control of compliance with the terms and conditions of sale, administration and consumption of alcoholic beverages under the authorization of the Mayor of Grodzisk Mazowiecki;
  • conducting preventive information and educational activity in the field of solving alcohol-related problems and counteracting drug addiction;
  • supporting the activities of institutions, associations and individuals, aimed at solving alcohol-related problems;
  • increasing the availability of therapeutic and rehabilitation support for people addicted to alcohol;
  • providing families with alcohol-related problems, psychosocial and legal assistance, in particular protection against domestic violence,
  • carrying out activities aimed at subjecting drug treatment to persons who, due to alcohol abuse, cause the breakdown of family life, demoralization of minors, evade work or systematically disturb peace or public order;
  • intervening in connection with the violation of the provisions set out in art. 13 and 15 of the Act on Upbringing in Sobriety and Counteracting Alcoholism and appearing before the court as a public prosecutor;
  • undertaking activities aimed at declaring the use of a person addicted to alcohol to undergo treatment in a detox institution.

The Commission's competences also include tasks resulting from the Act of July 29, 2005 on Counteracting Drug Addiction ( Journal of Laws of 2015, item 875) and Act of July 29, 2005 on counteracting violence in the family (Journal of Laws of 2015, item 1390).

Municipal Commission for Solving Alcohol Problems in Grodzisk Mazowiecki </ strong> is based in the Social Welfare Center in Grodzisk Mazowiecki at ul. 11-November 33, room 8 (entrance from Kowalska Street). Contact every day, from Monday to Friday from 8.00-16.00 with the main addiction specialist, a member of GKA - Iwona Chorek and during the roster of members of the Commune Commission (tel. 22 298 51 31 i720 909 218). The duties of members of the Commune Commission - every Monday and Thursday at 16.00 - 18.00.

made the Chairman of the Commune Commission

The Municipal Commission for Solving Alcohol Problems in Grodzisk Mazowiecki
is based in the Social Welfare Center in Grodzisk Mazowiecki at ul. 11-November 33, room 8 (entrance from Kowalska Street). Contact every day, from Monday to Friday from 8.00-16.00 with the main addiction specialist, a member of GKA - Iwona Chorek and during the roster of members of the Commune Commission (tel. 22 298 51 31 or 720 909 218). The duties of members of the Commune Commission - every Monday and Thursday at 16.00 - 18.00.

Information about the ECN (Edge Cities Network) organization

The City of Coastal Capitals Organization (ECN) brings together the satellite cities of several European capitals. Its aim is to exchange experiences and ideas for solving problems characteristic of cities with a similar position in relation to large metropolises. Grodzisk Mazowiecki joined the ECN in 2007, and in 2012 took on the role of running the organization for one year, in accordance with the provisions of the statute. Adapting to the trend of expanding contacts and cooperation of cities with many foreign partners at the same time, the ECN is now transforming into a more open, flexible structure with non-contributory membership. The organization includes: Nacka (near Stockholm), Swords (near Dublin), North Down (near Belfast) and Grodzisk Mazowiecki.,1784.html